Station biologique de Roscoff

The Station biologique de Roscoff (SBR) is a french marine biology and oceanography research and teaching center. Founded by Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers (1821–1901) in 1872, it is at the present time affiliated to the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), the Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers et de l'Environnement (INSU) and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique(CNRS).



The Station biologique is situated in Roscoff on the northern coast of Brittany (France) about 60 km east of Brest and is surrounded by an exceptional variety of biotopes, most of which are accessible at low tide. These biotopes support a large variety of both plant (700) and animal (3000) marine species. Founded in 1872 by Professor Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers (then Zoology Chair at the Sorbonne University ), the SBR constitutes, since March 1985, the Internal School 937 of the Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC). In November 1985 the SBR was given the status of Oceanological Observatory by the l'Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers et de l'Environnement (National Institute for the Cosmological and Environmental Sciences; INSU). The SBR is also, since January 2001, a Research Federation within the Life Sciences Department of the CNRS.

The personnel of the SBR, which includes about 200 permanent staff, consists of scientists, teaching scientists, technicians, postdoctoral fellows, PhD students and administrative staff. These personnel are organised into a certain number of research groups within research units that are recognised by the Life Sciences Department of the CNRS (the current research units have the following codes: FR 2424, UMR 7139, UMR 7144, UMR 7150 and UPS 2682). The various research groups work on a wide range of topics, ranging from investigation of the fine structure and function of biological macromolecules to global oceanic studies. Genomic approaches constitute an important part of many of the research programmes, notably via the European Network of Excellence "Marine Genomics" which is coordinated by the SBR. With the accommodation facilities at its hotel and its teaching facilities and equipment, the SBR provides conditions for teaching a range of subjects including zoology, phycology and coastal oceanography. Teaching at the SBR includes courses that form part of the UPMC Master's programme and the European Socrates. The SBR is part of the genomics network "OUEST-genopole" and runs a genomics platform "sequencing and mass spectrometry applied to biology". The station publishes (since 1960) a bilingual scientific journal, the " Cahiers de Biologie Marine " (CBM). The SBR also hosts between 12 and 15 national and international conferences per year, including the Jacques Monod Conferences.


Directors of the Station biologique de Roscoff
Name Start End
Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers 1872 1901
Yves Delage 1901 1920
Charles Pérez 1921 1945
Georges Teissier 1945 1971
Joseph Bergerard 1971 1981
Interim (Louis Cabioch, Pierre Guerrier) 1981 1982
Pierre Lasserre 1983 1993
André Toulmond 1993 2003
Bernard Kloareg 2004 present

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